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Showing posts from August, 2019

Getting Started In Porn - Part 5: Treat It Like A Business

If you haven't already, you'll want to read Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , and Part 4 in my Getting Started In Porn series before jumping into Part 5 (this post). Hopefully by now you've made some videos, are used to editing and uploading, and are finding that with each shoot things get a little bit easier. So now let's focus on streamlining, meeting goals, and staying focused with regular video releases. Basically, let's go over how to treat your porn business like an actual business, because it is one! Anyone who's ever run a small business of their own knows that you have to streamline to be efficient. Well, your porn business is no different. This covers everything from pre-planning scenes to storing all of your outfits and toys properly. Tracking Systems Start by keeping a spreadsheet (Excel, Google Sheets, etc) of the videos you're shooting. The first column should be the date you shot it on. Then make more columns called: Edited, Rendered, Backed U